East Asia

Bryan K. Hanks

Bryan Hanks (Ph.D., University of Cambridge 2003) is an archaeologist whose research interests have focused on the development of late prehistoric societies in Europe and the Eurasian steppes. He has been engaged in collaborative field research in Russia since 1998 and has directed research projects in the southeastern Ural Mountains region of Russia and most recently in southeastern Europe in the Republic of Serbia. The projects in Russia have focused on the subsistence strategies of Iron and Bronze Age mobile pastoralists, craft production related to copper mining and metallurgy, and geophysical and geochemical study of households and settlement patterning. In Europe, he has been working with colleagues to document the appearance and growth of early Neolithic agrarian villages and the construction of early enclosures and fortifications. Since 2014, he has been working annually with the US Forest Service on the study of Native American Pit House villages along the Salmon River and its tributaries in the state of Idaho. He is committed to providing opportunities for student field training and in addition to including students in international projects he routinely offers, in collaboration with Dr. Marc Bermann, opportunities for field training in geophysics surveys in the Pittsburgh region.



Research Description

Prehistoric Pit House Village Patterning along the Salmon River and its Tributaries, Idaho

This project focuses on the study of pit house villages occupied over the last 4000 years in central Idaho. The villages are located within the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness, which is the largest designated wilderness in the lower 48 states encompassing over two million acres.  Collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service is focusing on the use of geophysical and geochemical surveys to examine the spatial extent of these sites and to explore near surface and subsurface cultural deposits. This research will contribute to the long-term management and protection of these important cultural heritage resources. Project Partners: Dr. Tim Canaday (United States Forest Service, Idaho), Dr. Rosemary Capo (University of Pittsburgh, Department of Geology and Environmental Science), Sarah Montag (BPhil candidate, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology) and Petra Basar, MA (graduate program, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Anthropology).  

Village Growth, Demographic Trends, and Craft Specialization among Neolithic Vinča Culture Communities in Southeastern Europe (5400 - 4600 BCE)

This project focuses on the emergence of early agro-pastoralist communities and related developments in craft specialization, including early stages of metallurgy, village growth and demography, and evidence of enclosure and fortification. Research to date has been conducted at several Middle-Late Neolithic settlements and has integrated geophysical and geochemical site surveys, pedestrian survey and artifact collection, and targeted soil coring and excavation. Project Partners: Dr. Miroslav Kočić (Balkanological Institute, Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences), Dr. Dušan Borić  (Columbia University, UK); Dr. Dusko Slijivar (National Museum of Belgrade, Serbia), Dr. Slaviša Perić (Serbian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology) and Marija Simonović, MA and Dr. Marko Grković (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Serbia).

Middle to Late Bronze Age Social and Technological Change in the Southeastern Ural Mountains Region of Russia (2100-1500 BCE)

This program of research has examined settlement patterning, the scale and nature of copper metallurgy, and socio-economic organization as practiced by Bronze Age communities who inhabited the central Russian steppes from the Middle to Late Bronze Age phases (2100 to 1500 BCE). Field research has focused on micro-regional study of the Bronze Age Sintashta culture settlements of Stepnoye and Ust’ye and has employed: 1) geophysical and geochemical survey, 2) targeted small-scale excavation, 3) additional site catchment study and 4) analysis of archaeometallurgical materials and associated features. The field research component of this project has finished and the team is in the process of final data analysis and publication. Project partners: Dr. Roger Doonan (University of Sheffield, UK), Dr. Derek Pitman (University of Bournemouth, UK), Dr. Dimitri Zdanovich (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia), Dr. Elena Kupriyanova (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia) and Dr. Nikolai Vinogradov (Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University).

Bioarchaeological Study of Bronze Age Health, Diet and Demography in the Southeastern Ural Mountains of Russia (2100-1500 BCE)

This project has focused on the study of human remains recovered previously by Dr. Andrei Epimakhov at the Kamennyi Ambar 5 Bronze Age cemetery in Russia. We have conducted detailed study of the human remains including isotopic analysis for dietary trends and aDNA analysis.  This project has now completed and we are in the process of final data analysis and publication. Project Partners: Dr. Margaret Judd (University of Pittsburgh); Dr. Andrei Epimakhov (Southern Ural State University, Russia); Dr. Dmitri Razhev (Institute of History and Archaeology, Russia); Dr. Alicia Ventresca Miller (University of Michigan) and Dr. David Reich (Reich Laboratory for aDNA).


Archaeology of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia

This course provides an overview of the key prehistoric and early historic developments that occurred in the territories of the former Soviet Union. This investigation will include: early evidence of animal and plant domestication in the Neolithic, the emergence of Indo-European languages, innovations in metallurgy and the rise of complex societies in the Bronze and Iron Age periods, and the impact of early ‘nomadic’ societies and empires.   The course will cover a vast period, stretching from the earliest occupation evidence in the Paleolithic to the Mongol Empire of the 13th century AD. The primary focus of the course will be on evaluating the main lines of archaeological evidence to interpret and understand the key cultural, economic, technological and ideological developments noted above.  However, the course also will investigate the substantial role that the discipline of archaeology and interpretations of the past have played in the larger socio-political dynamics of the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods.  Therefore, this course will appeal to a broad range of students interested in comparative studies of Old World archaeology as well as cultural and historical studies of the Soviet and Post-Soviet Union.

The Archaeologist Looks at Death

The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of how archaeologists investigate, analyze and interpret human remains from archaeological contexts. While the focus will be primarily on prehistoric case studies, the course will also look at the rapidly developing area of forensic archaeology in the contemporary world.  Therefore, the course will be divided into two main parts. The first half will focus on presenting some of the main elements inherent in the bioarchaeological analysis of human remains and the types of specific information that can be gained about the past lives of individuals and their place within societies. The second half of the course will focus more on how archaeologists construct interpretations relating to mortuary practices and rituals, attitudes about the afterlife, and principles of social organization and structure within past societies. 

Prehistoric Foundations of European Civilization

This course surveys European prehistory from the earliest human occupation of Europe until the Roman conquest. Geographical coverage will include Western, Central and Eastern Europe and southern areas including parts of the Mediterranean and Aegean. Emphasis will be placed on investigating major changes in social organization, cultural contact and exchange, technology and economy. Key developments covered will include the interaction between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, the emergence of Upper Palaeolithic art, Neolithic megalithic constructions, the emergence and spread of agriculture, the impact of metallurgy, Iron Age ‘Celtic’ developments, and the expansion and influence of the Roman Empire. This course will provide a useful foundation for students interested in archaeology, history, ethnic history, art history and classics.


Animal remains are often some of the most frequently encountered material remains recovered from archaeological sites and therefore provide crucial information relating to subsistence strategies, animal husbandry patterns, paleoenvironments and a wide range of other human behaviors.  This course provides an introduction to the main elements of Zooarchaeological research and will focus on the recovery, identification and contextual analysis of animal remains.  The course will provide both laboratory training as well as seminar discussions to evaluate the significance of Zooarchaeology within archaeological research.  Participants will have the opportunity to gain practical skills in faunal remains identification and analysis and to learn how this information can be applied to the comparative study of complex societies.

History of Anthropological Thought

This course provides a wide-ranging survey of the development of anthropological thought and the formation of the four-field discipline of Anthropology. Starting with early intellectual growth in Antiquity and the Middle Ages the course charts a path for students that will guide them through the dense and complex world of theory development in Anthropology from the time of Classical thought up through contemporary times. This class offers a critical foundation of knowledge for students majoring in Anthropology and/or undergraduate students planning to take more advanced seminar/writing courses in Anthropology, History, Sociology, and History and Philosophy of Science.

People, Places and Things

This course examines the use of recent theoretical perspectives that cross-cut many of the humanities and social sciences to explore the complex relationships that are created between people, landscapes and physical settings, and the use of objects and other forms of material culture. The course will survey key theoretical approaches to explore object agency, symbolism and ritual set within natural and built environments, and the roles that such places and things play within the composition of culture and long term mediation of social processes and memory. The course is diachronic in nature and examines a host of places and objects from around the world from prehistory to the present. A heavy emphasis will be placed on “interdisciplinary thought” with the goal of achieving a more nuanced and comparative understanding of the dynamic role that material culture and the natural and built environment have within the ever-evolving human condition.

Archaeological Geophysics 

This course introduces common methods of geophysical prospection being used within archaeology today. Classroom lectures and field surveys off campus at local historic sites provide students a unique hands-on approach to understanding and using geophysical instrumentation, collecting data, and analysis of datasets. Classroom lectures are provided on: (1) integration of geophysics as a tool within broader research programs, (II) background theory on the methods and their use in field research (fluxgate gradiometery, earth resistance, GPR, magnetic susceptibility, electrical conductivity), and (III) opportunity to process and interpret geophysics datasets.

Katheryn Linduff

Professor Emerita, History of Art and Architecture, Joint appointment in the Department of Anthropology, UCIS Research Professor, ancient Chinese and Eurasian art and archaeology


Research Description


Chifeng Project

Katheryn Linduff @ Academia.edu




Dr. Linduff is no longer teaching courses.


Pamela J. Stewart

Dr. Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern) is a research scholar with experience of working and living in the Pacific (special focus on Papua New Guinea), Asia (focused on Taiwan), and Europe (focused on Scotland and Ireland, also on the European Union).  Together with Prof. Andrew Strathern, over 50 books and hundreds of articles have been published demonstrating their broad interests in global issues, utilizing their cross-cultural linguistic skills, a powerful comparative and interdisciplinary approach, and an engaged ethnographic gaze.  Current research and writing is on the topics of Political Peace-making and Global Disaster Anthropology Studies.  

Research Description


Jeffrey H. Schwartz

Jeffrey Schwartz is a physical anthropologist whose research and teaching cover three major areas: the exploration of method, theory, and philosophy in evolutionary biology through focusing on problems involving the origin and subsequent diversification of extinct as well as extant primates, from prosimians to humans and apes; human and faunal skeletal analysis of archaeological recovered remains, particularly from historical sites of the circum-Mediterranean region; and dentofacial growth and development in Homo sapiens as well as mammals in general. Schwartz has done fieldwork in the United States, England, Israel, Cyprus, and Tunisia and museum research in the mammal and vertebrate paleontology collections of major museums in the United States, Great Britain, Europe, and Africa.


Introduction to Physical Anthropology

This is an introduction to the various disciplines that have been brought to bear in the study of humans and other primates. The course will have an evolutionary perspective as we review living primates (distribution, features of behavior and morphology) and their fossil histories. Particular attention will be paid to how humans have come to look the way we do.

Introduction to Human Evolution

Introduction to the study of our species fossil past and its evolutionary relationships to other “higher” primates (monkeys and apes). In order to pursue this topic properly we will delve into the areas of comparative anatomy, geology, and paleontology, as well as evolutionary theory, particularly how to discuss species and their evolutionary relationships. Lectures will rely heavily on slides and weekly handouts. There will be two exams prior to the final. All will be based on T/F, multiple choice, fill-in, and “identify this structure or specimen” types of questions. The final grade will be based on exams, (e.25%, 20%, 50%), attendance in lecture and recitations, participation in recitation, and performance on quizzes. Students must enroll in a recitation section which serves as a forum for review as well as for the presentation of information complementary to the main lectures. This material will be included on exams and quizzes.

Human Origins

The evolution of our own group and our closest relatives--fossil and living apes--is a fascinating as well as perplexing subject of study. In part, we can learn much about evolution by studying our own evolutionary group. But, because the subject is so close to us, various emotional components tend to be introduced into the supposed science of paleontology and evolutionary biology. To better understand our own evolutionary past, and to establish the necessary background for undertaking this task, the first weeks of the course will consist of: 1) an introduction to methods of reconstructing evolutionary relationships; 2) learning necessary anatomical and dental terminologies through study of casts of actual fossils; 3) understanding geological and ecological changes that occurred during the evolution of apes and humans (at least the past 35 million years); 4) and, in order to set the stage for later discussion, an overview of primate evolution. The bulk of the course will consist of a survey of the fossil evidence for the evolution of apes and of ourselves. Where were the fossils found? How much material is known? How were these finds interpreted in the past and how might we view matters today? What biases have and/or do influence these interpretations? How might we--as the ones who also devise evolutionary schemes--look at ourselves from an evolutionary perspective? Lectures will be supplemented with casts of fossils and skeletons and skulls of modern-day primates as well as slides of all specimens discussed.


Gabriella Lukacs

I am a media anthropologist whose research focuses on Japan and Hungary. I completed my Ph.D. at Duke University in 2005. Since then, I have been a faculty member in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, where I teach courses on media, labor, and gender.

I take a political-economic approach to my research on analog and digital media, but also derive inspiration from object-oriented ontology and theories of infrastructure to think about materiality beyond its Marxist conceptualization as economic structures that set events in motion. Currently, I am completing a manuscript on authoritarian populism and anti-populist media activism in Hungary. Unlike my first book that explored an analog medium and the second one that examined digital media, this project investigates the interplay between the analog and the digital in the development of authoritarian populism and anti-populist media activism in post-2010 Hungary. Building on my work on gendered patterns of discrimination in analog media production, algorithmic forms of exclusion, and gendered labor in political activism, I will continue pursuing my interests in media, gender, and labor in a fourth book project that analyzes the growing number of single-person households and low fertility society in Japan.

Research Description

My first book, Scripted Affects, Branded Selves: Television, Subjectivity, and Capitalism in 1990s Japan (Duke University Press, 2010), analyzes the development of a new primetime serial called “trendy drama” as the Japanese television industry’s ingenious response to developments in digital media technologies and concomitant market fragmentation. Integrating a political-economic analysis of television production with reception research, the book suggests that the trendy drama marked a shift in the Japanese television industry from offering story-driven entertainment (signification) to producing lifestyle-oriented programming (affect). It argues that by capitalizing on the semantic fluidity of the notion of lifestyle, commercial television networks were capable of uniting viewers into new affective alliances that, in turn, helped them bury anxieties over changing class relations in the wake of the prolonged economic recession.


My second manuscript, Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan’s Digital Economy (Duke University Press, 2020), tells the stories of the so-called “girly” photographers, net idols, bloggers, online traders, and cell phone novelists who turned to digital media to sculpt meaningful DIY careers in 2000s Japan. By studying the careers of entrepreneurial women who pursued DIY endeavors in the digital economy, this book argues that, more often than not, this economy did not enable women to develop sustainable careers. Rather, it used women’s unpaid labor as the engine of its own development. The life spans of DIY careers in the digital economy were tied to the profitable life cycles of the particular technologies women engaged to build their careers. At the same time, feminized affective labor has remained central to the entrepreneurial projects women were able to pursue in the digital economy, which also did not help empower women in the realm of work.

Introduction is available here: 


I also edited a special issue for Positions: Asia Critique titled Youth, Labor, and Politics in East Asia that investigates youth unemployment and underemployment—a prominent effect of the deregulation of national economies during the 1990s and 2000s in the region. As opposed to understanding youth unemployment and underemployment as social anomalies, this volume analyzes these trends as the new faces of labor. The contributors ask what it means for youth to become part of the workforce in a context in which young people are encouraged to think about work as a source of fulfillment, while the employment available to them is increasingly precarious.  

My current book project, From Counterpublics to Commons: Media Activism in Illiberal Hungary, examines how women, LGBTQIA+, and trans activists use media technologies to protest an illiberal regime in Hungary. Since 2010, Hungary’s rightwing populist government has developed an ethno-nationalist and pronatalist program that waives income tax for women who give birth to four or more children, refuses to ratify the Istanbul Convention on violence against women, mobilizes government media to discredit feminist, LGBTQIA+, and trans activists, shuts down gender studies programs, and bans LGBTQIA+ content in schools and children’s media. In this context, women, LGBTQIA+, and trans people join antigovernment activism in large numbers creatively engaging analog and digital media to demand a voice in the political domain and to promote inclusivity. The book examines five sites of media activism to which the labor of women, LGBTQIA+, and trans activists has been crucial even if it remains invisible: counter-billboard campaigns, street art, Internet memes, independent theater, and political vlogging. These case studies document the trajectory of antigovernment activism from producing counterpublics to building new political, cultural, social, and economic commons. They also illustrate how activists harness media to expand practices of political participation and to redefine the meaning of political work.

I also started working on a fourth book project, which examines the growing number of single-person households among young people that currently make up 32 percent of the housing market in Japan. It explores five sites: the academic discourse on the so-called “parasite singles” phenomenon and young people’s responses to it; the housing market that targets young singletons; the role of the advertising industry in parceling out and transforming into a privileged market segment young people who are living on their own; the development of an artificially intelligent home assistant by Gatebox, which features a 3D holographic character marketed as a “virtual wife” to young men who see “real” relationships as “troublesome;” and the development of AI-powered dating apps such as Aill goen that a growing number of companies promote to their unmarried employees encouraging them to find love and thus become happier and more productive workers.



Contemporary Anthropological Theory

Graduate Seminar. In this course, we review current theoretical trends in cultural anthropology. We read texts published within the past decade that represent various thematic and theoretical foci in anthropology including media, environmental, and medical anthropology, political economy, feminism, critical race studies, queer, and disability studies. Although we mainly discuss ethnographies, we also read texts that are not written by anthropologists but are based on ethnographic fieldwork. These texts are important because they enable us to explore what makes an anthropological approach to the production of knowledge different from the ways in which other disciplines produce knowledge about contemporary conditions. Current ethnographies reveal that it is decreasingly justified to locate that difference in anthropology’s unique method of gathering data: ethnographic fieldwork. Many anthropologists complement fieldwork with analyses of textual sources. Similarly, many scholars in literature, linguistics, and media studies rely on fieldwork—interviewing people—as a key source of data. In this course, we will consider whether we could think of ethnographic fieldwork not only as method but also as theory. We ask how the “datalogical turn” affects the ways we think about ethnographic fieldwork. Patricia Clough at al. note that as adaptive algorithmic architectures are learning to collect and analyze information about individuals and social trends with ever-greater efficiency, the observing and self-observing human subject is becoming an obstacle in the way of efficient data collection and analysis. We discuss how growing interest in big data might affect the identity of the discipline and the relationship of anthropology to other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. An important goal of the course is to inspire students to reflect on what makes a dissertation project innovative (and thus fundable). Equally relevant, students are also encouraged to think about how to design research projects that scholars in various disciplines find appealing.  

Technology and Subjectivity

Undergraduate & Graduate Seminar. The goal of this course is to develop new ways to theorize the shifting relationships between humans and technologies. We discuss how the relationship between humans and technology is changing and why this relationship is taking on an intimate character. We ask how this intimacy might be an effect of technology’s promise to enhance our life chances or its promise to optimize our physical and mental health. A focal point of the course is the exploration of how our intimate relationship with technology might be an effect of late post-Fordist work conditions that require us to be constantly plugged into technological assemblages and align our bodily rhythms to the rhythms of machines. After completing a set of readings on the subjectification effects of technologies, we discuss how particular technologies might be conducive to transformations in the conditions of work and to the emergence of new labor subjectivities. We also ask how workers’ resistance to particular forms of work organization drives innovation in technology. 

Gender and the Global

Undergraduate & Graduate Seminar. Gender is a key structuring principle of difference and inequality in society, while globalization is a condition characterized by time-space compression and ever-expanding connections across national boundaries. Globalization emerged out of such (and often violent) practices of contact as capitalism, colonialism, socialism, the Cold War, and neoliberalism. This course explores the intersection of gender and globalization, asking how gender shapes processes of globalization and how the role of gender is shifting as national/cultural regulatory systems are no longer able to maintain control over what is recognized as “normative” in the context of gender roles and gendered practices. This course examines various facets of the interface between gender and globalization in such contexts as cross-border marriages, international adoption, sex and colonialism, gender and state violence, women in socialist welfare states, labor migration, the global sex industry, queer identities, and activism, as well as gender and technology (especially, the intersection of gender inequality and the idea of technologically enabled empowerment). The historical contexts in which we discuss these themes include colonialism, the Cold War Era, post-socialism, and neoliberalism.

Japanese Society

Undergraduate Lecture. This course aims to introduce students to cultural practices and social institutions in postwar and contemporary Japan. It will give students a range of different exposures—using scholarly books, essays, and film—to look at various conditions and aspects of Japanese culture and everyday life: economic high growth, middle class society, recession, social precarity, gender relations, education, consumer culture, and popular culture. We will begin by interrogating the anthropological notion of culture: what is it, how is it expressed, what conditions it, and where are its limits? We will examine discourses on the uniqueness and homogeneity of Japanese culture and ask what compels and shapes these ideas and how they are confirmed or contested in such domains as employment, education, consumer culture, or popular culture. The goal is to familiarize ourselves not only with Japan, but also with the process of engaging in dialogue with members of other cultures. We have the tendency of using our own cultural categories as a standard for what is normal behavior. People in other cultures therefore seem strange, while we seem, by contrast, normal. How can we learn to perceive others in their terms rather than those we impose on them (through stereotypes, for example)? How can we use such intercultural exposure to reflect back on ourselves: to learn how we constitute and contest ideals of normativity? The section topics are organized along two axes. Within the individual sections, studies on the culturally dominant forms of everyday life and behavior are juxtaposed against materials (texts, films, documentaries, film clips) that explore practices of exclusion and forces of resistance. The course is also structured as a series of oppositions between ethnographic works that have represented Japan as culturally homogeneous and those that have challenged this more culturalist stance by exploring antagonism in Japan or by theorizing Japan as part of the global culture and the transnational economy. The special focus of this class is media culture. We will discuss media culture in Japan and examine the reasons for its popularity abroad.


Undergraduate Seminar. This course will encourage students to consider how anthropology might offer new insights to studying Internet-based phenomena and how research on the Internet might inspire anthropologists to rethink such foundational concepts of the discipline as culture, community, and self. Drawing on scholarly essays, journalism, documentaries, and TED lectures, this course will cover three main topics: the development of the Internet, Internet-based work, and influencer culture. In reviewing the development of the Internet, we will also discuss such topics as remix culture, creative commons, copyleft, cyber-surveillance, hacking, the Anonymous movement, data mining, crowdsourcing, and crowdfleecing. We will spend the last month of the semester learning about digital labor and influencer culture. We will ask how the Internet transforms the world of work and fosters possibilities for new forms of employment. More concretely, we will inquire whether the architecture of the Internet is designed in ways that are conducive to cultivating freedom, creativity, and new forms of employment. We will discuss various forms of hacking as key terrains where battles over the regulation of the Internet and struggles over intellectual property rights are waged. We will learn about data mining—a corporate practice that extracts value by transforming into data-commodities the traces we leave behind in cyberspace. By reading about entrepreneurial individuals who strive to develop DIY careers in the digital economy and by considering how the Internet operates as an apparatus that captures unpaid labor, we will explore how digital technologies transform the world of work. To understand the ways in which digital media are conducive to the formation of new communities and the ways in which they enable individuals to improve their status and employability, we will end the semester by discussing influencer culture.

Gender and Labor

Undergraduate Seminar. This course inquires why we find it difficult to abandon deep-seated beliefs that men and women are not equally suited to pursue certain professions. We wonder whether women belong in the army, the cockpits of airplanes and space shuttles, or whether men make good nurses and babysitters. In this course, we will read scholarly texts and watch documentary films to analyze the relationship between gender and work in various social contexts. We will ask how the realm of work operates as a site where gender differences and hierarchies are reinforced. We will examine how our beliefs about gender-appropriate occupational identities are culturally conditioned and how employers perpetuate gender biases in their hiring practices as they prioritize growth and profit over ideals of gender equity. We will read about flight attendants who were able to negotiate less sexist weight standards only in 1991, women in factories who are hired for their nimble fingers, sex workers, hostesses, hosts, and exotic dancers who are expected to perform gender at work.

This class takes a cross-cultural perspective in analyzing the relationship between gender and work. We will ask how neoliberal globalization intersects with local gender divisions of labor in diverse social contexts. We will examine, for instance, how strategies of transnational corporations to bypass labor militancy have facilitated the feminization of a transnational labor force. Equally important, we will pay special attention to the role of digital technologies in transforming the world of work and reshaping formative links between gender and work. Many scholars argue that advances in digital technologies have weakened an organizational model of capital accumulation that is dependent on the concentration of production in offices and factories. We will consider how this shift has occurred and what its repercussions are. We will also ask whether paid labor in the home serves as a source of empowerment or whether it integrates workers into new systems of inequality. Last, we will discuss the role of gender in galvanizing the development and expansion of digital economies.

The Anthropology of Work

Undergraduate Seminar. Scholars have criticized Marxist theories of labor arguing that Karl Marx’s observations—drawn from the industrial working class—no longer help us grasp the new nature of productive activity in the twenty-first century. Others have argued that Marx’s labor theory of value has, in fact, never been more relevant. Today’s culture of producing commodities with ever-shorter lifespans funnels rural populations into factories. Concurrently, expanding income gaps facilitate unprecedented growth in the service sector transforming service providers into what labor scholars describe as “new servants of new masters.” These trends, scholars argue, force more and more people into work conditions that are not unlike the labor conditions Marx theorized. At the same time, it is also true that in recent decades, the forms and conditions of work have undergone significant transformations in response to the rise of the service and finance sectors, the devaluation of manufacturing, and the pervasive downgrading of employment from full-time work to part-time work arrangements. In this course, we trace the changing conditions of work and formation of new labor subjectivities in various contexts such as transnational factories, the service industries, and the information industries. We consider how the strategies of transnational corporations to bypass high production costs, labor militancy, or environmental concerns have facilitated the offshoring of production and the feminization of a transnational labor force. We also discuss how the emerging middle classes in countries, such as China and India, drive labor migration by creating new needs for new services. In the context of Japan and the United States, we examine how particular forms of work—such as affective labor—are coming to occupy privileged positions in the hierarchy of laboring forms in what scholars describe as “affect economies.” In the same contexts, we also discuss how young people—who are increasingly engaged in the production of what they consume—are being incorporated in the labor force without being formally employed or without receiving financial compensation for their time. We conclude the semester by reflecting on the condition of the very labor market students in the class will be entering. We contemplate why employers increasingly rely on free or token-wage labor, including internship programs, volunteering, and crowdsourcing. We discuss what scholars theorize as the end of wage employment and ask what some of the advantages and disadvantages of this development might be.

The Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality

Undergraduate Lecture: This course surveys current trends in the anthropology of gender and sexuality. Across a diversity of cultural settings, we will read and watch documentary films about how gender and sexuality are harnessed for projects of self-determination, economic advancement, or survival, belonging, or exclusion. We will discuss topics such as the role of gender and sexuality in conceptualizing and practicing kinship, reproduction, and marriage; the struggles of sexual minorities (e.g., hijras in India, transgender sex workers in Chicago, BDSM practitioners in San Francisco, and Filipino gay men in the diaspora) to question and reconfigure normative conceptions of gender and sexuality. In covering topics, such as reproduction, marriage, surrogacy, and sex work, we will critically assess the hegemony of the male/female binarism and examine how it serves capitalist growth strategies.

Precarity and Politics

Graduate Seminar. Crisis seems to have become the normalized condition in which we live our lives and make sense of the world around us. Each new iteration of this condition, caused by financial meltdowns, wars, natural disasters, and recently the Covid-19 pandemic, further cement our perception that crisis has become permanent. This perception is further fueled by neoliberal globalization that builds on what Naomi Klein conceptualized as disaster capitalism. Governments that adopt neoliberal economic policies, Klein notes, tend to exploit crises to introduce structural adjustment plans during times when populations are too beaten down to mount an efficient opposition. By doing so, neoliberalism intensifies our sense of crisis as it grinds down our sense of security. Whereas critical scholarship on neoliberalism focus on the role of the economy in generating conditions of precarity, in recent years, scholars also started examining the social lives and cultures of this condition. Furthermore, they began exploring how conditions of precarity give us hope and galvanize our desire to reform our lives, reach out to others, and build new communities. This course will introduce students to theories and ethnographies of precarity, as well as works that analyze transformations in the ways we participate in the political domain to fight locally specific conditions of precarity.



Lukacs, G. (2022) “The Gender of the Meme: Women and Protest Media in Populist Hungary,” Feminist Media Studies, January 10, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2021.2018007

Lukacs, G. (2021) “Internet Memes as Protest Media in Populist Hungary,” Visual Anthropology Review, 37(1): 52-76.

Lukacs, G. (2020) Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan's Digital Economy. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.

Lukacs, G. ed. (2015) Youth, Labor, and Politics in East Asia, Positions: Asia Critique, Volume 23, Issue 3.

Lukacs, G. (2015) “Cool Japan, Soft Power, and Cultural Globalization,” in Towards New Humanities in the Era of Ubiquitous Media, Ishida Hidetaka, Yoshimi Shunya, and Mike Featherstone, eds. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 195-218 (in Japanese). 

Lukacs, G. (2015) “Unraveling Visions: Women’s Photography in Recessionary Japan,” Boundary 2, vol. 42, no. 3, 171-184.

Lukacs, G. (2015) “Labor Games: Youth, Work, and Politics in East Asia,” Positions: Asia Critique, Volume 23, Issue 3, 487-513

Lukacs, G. (2015) “The Labor of Cute: Net Idols, Cute Culture, and the Digital Economy in Contemporary Japan,” Positions: Asia Critique, Volume 23, Issue 3, 381-409.

Lukacs, G. (2013) “Dreamwork: Cell Phone Novelists, Labor, and Politics in Contemporary Japan,” Cultural Anthropology, 28(1):44-64.

Lukacs, G. (2012) “Workplace Dramas and Labor Fantasies in 1990s Japan,” in Global Futures in East Asia, Ann Anagnost, Andrea Arai, and Hai Ren, eds. Stanford University Press, 222-247.

Lukacs, G. (2010) “Iron Chef Around the World: Japanese Food Television, Soft Power, and Cultural Globalization,” International Journal of Cultural Studies Volume 13(4): 409-426.

Lukacs, G. (2010) “Dream Labor in Dream Factory: Japanese Television in the Era of Market Fragmentation,” in Television, Japan, Globalization, Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, Eva Tsai, and JungBong Choi, eds. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 173-194.

Lukacs, G. (2010) Scripted Affects, Branded Selves: Television, Subjectivity, and Capitalism in 1990s Japan. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.

Robert D. Drennan

Robert Drennan (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1975) is an archaeologist engaged in the comparative analysis of early complex societies from their beginnings to the enormous diversity of organizational patterns displayed by regional chiefdoms around the world. His research focuses on increasing our understanding of the dynamics of social change by identifying patterned variation in the trajectories of development of early complex societies. Topics emphasized in his research include regional settlement and demography, community structure at all scales, household archaeology, quantitative data analysis, spatial analysis, and GIS. These topics are all involved in his fieldwork in China, Mesoamerica, and northern South America.

Research Description

Comparative Analysis of Trajectories of Chiefdom Development

The sample of archaeologically known early complex societies ("chiefdoms") around the world is now large enough for us to move beyond cultural evolutionary typologies or simplistic dichotomies and develop the more sophisticated and nuanced concepts needed to characterize adequately the considerable variation to be observed. The Chiefdom Datasets Project is compiling a database including dozens of regions whose developmental trajectories can be compared on the basis of systematic analyses of primary archaeological data on settlement, households, burials, and public works. Its aim is to delineate patterns in the highly varied courses these trajectories followed so as to identify and understand more fully the social forces at work in them. Principal collaborators are Christian E. Peterson and C. Adam Berrey.


Early Complex Societies in Northeastern China

The Liaoning Hongshan Period Communities Project (LHPCP) focuses on the emergence and development of Hongshan (4500–3000 BCE) chiefly communities. Ongoing data collection in the area surrounding Niuheliang includes regional-scale settlement survey and study of local communities and households through intensive surface collection and small-scale stratigraphic testing. Similar fieldwork and lab analysis in the Upper Daling region was carried out from 2007 to 2014. The objective is to document the nature of human organization at household, local community, regional polity, and macro-regional scales so as to understand better the societies that produced the ceremonial architecture and elaborate burials that have attracted considerable archaeological attention. Principal collaborators are Christian E. Peterson, Lu Xueming, and Zhu Da. The project is an institutional collaboration between the University of Pittsburgh, the Liaoning Province Institute of Archaeology, and Renmin University of China. The LHPCP builds on work carried out by the Chifeng International Collaborative Archaeological Project between 1998 and 2007, with principal collaborators Katheryn M. Linduff, Zhang Zhongpei, Gideon Shelach, Ta La, Zhu Yanping, Guo Zhizhong, and Teng Mingyu.









Early Complex Societies in Colombia

The Programa de Arqueología Regional en el Alto Magdalena serves as an umbrella for a number of more focused projects whose overall aim is to document the developmental trajectories of the societies that created the archaeologically famous monumental sculpture and ceremonial/burial complexes of the Regional Classic Period (1–900 CE). The PARAM began field data collection in 1993 with regional-scale survey, followed by more intensive investigation of households at a local-community scale with shovel probes and small stratigraphic tests at close intervals. Analysis and publication of results from work through 2006 is nearing completion. The PARAM has subsequently included excavation of residential structures and associated features as well as mapping of structural remains with magnetometry and ground-penetrating radar. Principal collaborators are Víctor González Fernández and Carlos Augusto Sánchez. The PARAM builds on similar work carried out from 1983 to 1992 by the Proyecto Arqueológico Valle de la Plata. Both projects have been institutional collaborations between the University of Pittsburgh, the Universidad de los Andes, and the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia.


Early Complex Societies in Mesoamerica

The Palo Blanco Project studied Formative period (1500 BCE–250 CE) societies in Mexico's Tehuacán Valley. From 1974 to 1980 it carried out regional-scale survey and excavation at several local communities, following up Richard S. MacNeish's Tehuacán Archaeological-Botanical Project with investigation of the trajectories of development of early sedentary agricultural societies. Excavation of the Middle Formative village of Fábrica San José in 1972–1973 was carried out as part of the Valley of Oaxaca Human Ecology Project, directed by Kent V. Flannery.




Beginning as early as 10,000 years ago human communities of unprecedented scale began to emerge in many regions all around the globe. The process has continued in much more recent times as well. These larger communities, numbering at least a few hundred people, and ranging well up into the thousands, usually (but not always) became supra-local in character. Unequal, or hierarchical, relationships usually (but not always) came to occupy an important place in their social organization. The seminar takes a comparative approach to the social dynamics of this process, using the varied trajectories of chiefdom emergence in different parts of the world as an opportunity to increase our understanding of the forces that have driven this process and given the resulting societies such highly varied characteristics.

Regional Settlement, Communities, and Demography

In the absence of modern communication and transportation technologies, human social communities were constituted in patterns of interaction primarily at local and regional scales. Prehistoric interaction patterns are usually strongly reflected in the way in which a human population distributed itself across a landscape. Thus a central reason for studying ancient settlement patterns is to delineate communities in the past and reconstruct the ways in which they structured interaction of various kinds at different scales. Such an approach leads not only to purely social interaction but also to political organization and the organization of the production and distribution of goods. This seminar focuses on the social, political, and economic interpretation of regional-scale archaeological settlement patterns, once the patterns have been discerned through appropriate means of spatial analysis. All such interpretation rests finally on demographic reconstructions, so approaches to both relative and absolute demographic approximations at the regional scale are considered in depth. Finally, having discussed these features of ancient human organization that settlement analysis can tell us about, we consider how appropriate kinds of information to sustain such conclusions can be collected in the field.

Archeological Data Analysis I

An introduction to quantitative data analysis in archeology, this course covers basic principles of statistics, including exploratory analysis of batches, sampling, significance, t-tests, analysis of variance, regression, chi-quare, and estimating universe means and proportions from samples. The approach is practical, concentrating on understanding these principles so as to put them to work effectively in analyzing archeological data. Much of the statistical work is done by computer. Statistical principles are dealt with in the weekly class, computer applications in the weekly lab. No previous computer experience is required, and no previous math beyond high school algebra is needed. Familiarity with archeology, however, is assumed. This course is open only to graduate students and anthropology majors who are concentrating in archeology and have previously taken other courses in archeology.

Archeological Data Analysis II

Advanced analysis of archeological data, primarily quantitative. This course carries on where the discussion of basic statistical comparison and contrast of artifacts, features, assemblages, and sites in Archeological Data Analysis I leaves off. Topics covered include sampling, data base management, analysis of spatial distributions (GIS), computer graphics, and multivariate statistics such as factor analysis, multidimensional scaling and clustering.

Nicole Constable

Nicole Constable received her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989.  She is a sociocultural anthropologist whose primary research focus is gendered migration in and from Asia. She is also very interested in different modes of ethnographic and anthropological writing.  Her main geographical research areas are Hong Kong, China, the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. Her topical interests include migration and mobilities; intimate labor; gender and sexuality; and precarious citizenship and the state.

She is former Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, and former Director of the Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh. She was the J Y Pillay Global-Asia Professor of Social Sciences at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. She especially enjoys teaching about the poetics and politics of ethnographic writing, about gender and sexuality in East Asia, and about global intimacies. She has twice taught and co-directed Pitt in the Himalayas.

Research Description

Nicole Constable’s most recent ethnographic monographs reflect her interest and expertise in gender and migration. These include Romance on a Global Stage: Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnography, and ‘Mail Order’ Marriages (2003), a political-economic examination of love, romance, and cross-border courtships between U.S. men and Asian women. This book serves as a well-informed ethnographic critique of popular misrepresentations of “mail order brides.” Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers (2nd ed., 2007) examines the various forms of power and discipline that influence the daily experiences of Filipino and Indonesian migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong, and their active forms of protest and subtle forms of resistance. Following this book, she has written several articles about migrant worker activism and protest. Her latest book, Born Out of Place: Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor (2014), builds on her work among women migrant workers in Hong Kong, and focuses on those who become mothers, despite local pressures to be “just workers.” This book provides insight into global problems of mobility, family, and citizenship and points to the consequences, creative responses, melodramas, and tragedies of labor and migration policies. Following this project, Dr. Constable’s recent articles focus on human trafficking, and on temporary and precarious labor and what can be considered queer or nonnormative transnational family formations.

 Dr. Constable has been working on a new book about passports and precarious migration. Passports are fascinating in and of themselves, but even more so because they provide a unique entry point from which to understand the many challenges faced by migrant workers, especially after their government institutes a new biometric passport system and aims to uncover “fake passport data.” Based largely on ethnographic research among Indonesian migrant workers, consular officials and others in Hong Kong, the book also traces the stories and histories of “real but fake” (aspal) Indonesian passports back to Indonesia, and across temporalities and scales. “Entanglements” provide the main analytical framework from which to analyze and criticize the oversimplified binaries associated with passports (e.g., real and fake, care and control), with migration (e.g., migrant and citizen, free and unfree), and with ethnography (e.g., ethnographer and interlocutor, research and researched). The book is entitled Passport Entanglements: Protection, Care and Precarious Migrations and will come out later in 2022 with University of California Press. 


Anthropology 1750 Undergraduate Seminar: Writing Culture

This class introduces several different anthropological and ethnographic writing styles and theoretical approaches while encouraging you to think about what anthropology can contribute to our understanding and appreciation of human diversity in the world today. In this class you will “try on” different writing styles and theoretical approaches. Throughout the class we will examine the poetics (writing style) and politics (forms of power) associated with different approaches and types of ethnographic writing.

Anthropology 1734 Undergraduate Seminar: Gender in East Asia

This anthropology undergraduate seminar focuses on gender and sexuality in contemporary East Asia, particularly in China, Japan, and South Korea (also touching on Hong Kong and Taiwan). The course is comparative, as we examine differences and continuities within and between these regions. Themes covered vary according to recent research trends, the availability of scholarly materials, and key issues in each region. Topics we will cover include: orientalism in relation to femininity and masculinity in East Asia; economic change and family roles; labor migration; heteronormativity and queerness; sexuality, work, and class; agency and resistance.

Anthropology 2782 Global Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, and Reproductive Labors

This graduate seminar explores theoretical and ethnographic approaches to global intimacies, particularly intimate and reproductive labor such as domestic work, sex work, surrogacy, medical tourism, transgender surgeries, cross-border marriages, and others. Readings will focus on ethnographic case studies that illustrate how global mobilities are linked to intimate relations. We will explore intersections of sex, labor, power, love and money in a globalizing world, and will examine scholarly approaches that are informed by feminism, migration studies, queer studies, postmodernism, capitalism, globalization, gender, and human trafficking. This course is particularly relevant to those with an academic interest in the intimate cultural and critical politics of sex, love, labor, and gendered migration within the context of global capitalism.



Constable. N. (2022). Passport Entanglements: Protection, Care, and Precarious Migration. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Constable, N. (2021) “Simultaneous Citizen and Noncitizen: Displacement, Precarity, and Passports in Hong Kong” Humanity 12(3): 324-38.

Constable, N. (2021) “Continual Arrival and the Longue Durée: Emplacement as Activism among Migrant Workers in Hong Kong.” Migration Studies DOI:10.1093/migration/mnab034. https://academic.oup.com/migration/advance-article/doi/10.1093/migration/mnab034/6414592?guestAccessKey=f9edd54d-f166-4496-a69e-fb43526291ec

Constable, N. (2021)  “Gender and Generational Issues in an Age of Migration” In: Migration, Gender, and The Politics of Belonging: The Case of Korean Diaspora, eds. Dohye Kim, Minjung Kim, Seoul, Korea: is Dongnyok Publishing (동녘출판사) pp. 23-51. 

Constable, N. (2021) “Migrant Mothers, Rejected Refugees and Excluded-Belonging in Hong Kong.” Population, Space and Place DOI:10.1002/psp.2475.      

Constable, N. (2020) “Afterword: Rethinking Ethnographic Entanglements of Care and Control.” Ethnos 85:2, 327-334, https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2018.1543343

Constable, N. (2019) “Maids, Mistresses, and Wives: Rethinking Kinship and the Domestic Sphere in Twenty-first Century Hong Kong.” Cambridge Handbook for the Anthropology of Kinship, Cambridge University Press.

Constable, N. (2019) “Tales of Two Cities: Legislating Pregnancy and Marriage among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore and Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2019.1592403

Constable, N. (2018) “Temporary Intimacies, Incipient Transnationalism, and Failed Cross-Border Marriages.”  In: Intimate Mobilities: Sexual Economies, Marriage and Migration in a Disparate World. C. Groes and N. Fernandez, eds. NY: Berghahn. Pp. 52-73.   

Constable, N. (2018) “Assemblages and Affect: Migrant Labour and the Varieties of Absent Children,” Global Networks, 18(1): 168-185. (Global Assemblages, absent Children, queer families, precarity, migrant mothers, adoption and fostering)

Constable, N. (2017) “Familial Migration Strategies and the Cultural Logics of Desire: a case of Asian-U.S. Correspondence Marriages” Anthropology of this Century 20 http://aotcpress.com/archive/issue-20/. (love, desire, global Intimacies, cross border marriage, matchmaking)

Constable, N (2016) “Reproductive Labor at the Intersection of Three Intimate Industries: Domestic Work, Sex Tourism, and Adoption,” Positions: Asia Critique, 24(1):45-69. (surplus labor, migrant workers, adoption, sex work, unpaid labor)

Constable, N. (2016) “Discipline, Control, and the Ins and Outs of Prison for Migrant Overstayers in Hong Kong,” Migration, Mobility, and Displacement, 20(1):58-72. (assemblages, incarceration, ssylum seekers, migrant workers, networks, disciplinary spaces)

Constable, N (2015) “Migrant Motherhood, ‘Failed Migration’, and the Gendered Risks of Precarious Labour,” TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 3(1):135-151. (precarious labor, temporary migration, single mothers, Hong Kong, Indonesia)

Constable, N. (2014) Born Out of Place: Migrant Mothers and the Politics of International Labor, Berkeley: University of California Press. (migration, labor, precarity, children, citizenship, undocumented migration, reproductive labor, gender, sexuality, Indonesians, Filipinos, Hong Kong.

Constable, N. (2013) Migrant Workers, Legal Tactics, and Fragile Family Formation in Hong Kong. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 3 (6), 1004-1022.

Constable, N. (2011) Editor. Migrant Domestic Workers in Asia: Distant Divides and Intimate Connections, New York: Routledge Press. [Precarious workers, migrant labor, activism, domestic Workers, Inter-Asian connections, global networks, reproductive labor]

Constable, N. (2007 [1997]) Maid to Order in Hong Kong: Stories of Migrant Workers (second edition), Ithaca: Cornell University Press. [Domestic workers, Hong Kong, migrant workers, gender, labor discipline, protest and activism, labor migration]

Constable, N. (2005) Cross-Border Marriages: Gender and Mobility in Transnational Asia, Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. (Cross-border marriage, transnationalism, matchmaking, marriage-scapes, gender, marriage brokers, global hypergamy)

Constable, N. (2003) Romance on a Global Stage: Pen Pals, Virtual Ethnography, and ‘Mail Order’ Marriages, Berkeley: University of California Press. (Global intimacies, marriage migration, cross-border marriages, internet ethnography)

1996/2005 (editor) Guest People:  Hakka Identity in China and Abroad.  Seattle:  University of Washington Press.  (Second edition, paperback, Spring 2005)

Constable, N. (1994) Christian Souls and Chinese Spirits: A Hakka Community in Hong Kong. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.