Pamela J. Stewart
- Senior Research Associate, Anthropology
Dr. Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern) is a research scholar with experience of working and living in the Pacific (special focus on Papua New Guinea), Asia (focused on Taiwan), and Europe (focused on Scotland and Ireland, also on the European Union). Together with Prof. Andrew Strathern, over 50 books and hundreds of articles have been published demonstrating their broad interests in global issues, utilizing their cross-cultural linguistic skills, a powerful comparative and interdisciplinary approach, and an engaged ethnographic gaze. Current research and writing is on the topics of Political Peace-making and Global Disaster Anthropology Studies.
Research Description
Stewart. Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Scotland, Wales, and Ireland: Identity and History. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press (2021).
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart. Heritage: Tradition and Contestation. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press (2021).
(in press) Stewart (Strathern), Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Ritual, for an edited volume entitled the Oxford Handbook of the Anthropology of Religion, edited by Joel Robbins and Simon Coleman. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
(in press) Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew J. Strathern. Vernacular Architecture: Rite and Ceremonial, for an edited collection with Bloomsbury Publishing.
2020 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Are Rumors in Pursuit of <<Truth>> or Alternative <<Realities>>?Le Dicerie anelano alla <<verita>> a <<realta>> alternative?Rivista di antropolgia contemporanea 2: 253-257.
2020 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew J. Strathern. Gossip -- A Thing Humans Do. Jan./ Feb. Anthropology News pp. 18-21.
2021 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart. Afterword: Reflections, In, Riboli, Diana, Stewart, Pamela J., Andrew Strathern, and Davide Torri (eds.). Dealing with Disasters -- Perspectives from Eco- Cosmologies Palgrave Macmillan, pp.255-258.
2021 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Eco-cosmologies: Renewable Energy, In, Riboli, Diana, Stewart, Pamela J., Andrew Strathern, and Davide Torri (eds.). Dealing with Disasters -- Perspectives from Eco-Cosmologies Palgrave Macmillan, pp.129-140.
Stewart. Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2019). Sustainability, Conservation, and Creativity: Ethnographic Learning from Small-scale Practices. Routledge Publishing.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies Palgrave Macmillan (2021).
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies Palgrave Macmillan (2021).
Riboli, Diana, Stewart, Pamela J., Andrew Strathern, and Davide Torri (eds.). Dealing with Disasters -- Perspectives from Eco- Cosmologies Palgrave Macmillan (2021).
2019 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart. Language and Culture in Dialogue. London, U.K.: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
2019 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Sacred Revenge in Oceania. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
2018 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Diaspora, Disasters, and the Cosmos: Rituals and Images. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
2018 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern). Story of the Kuk UNESCO World Heritage Prehistoric Site and The Melpa, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: Pride in Place. Angkemam Publishing House: Catrine, Scotland, in conjunction with the Western Highlands Provincial Government.
2018 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Ten Thousand Years of Cultivation: A Supplement to Anton Ploeg's Review. OCEANIA NEWSLETTER No. 91, September, pp. 1-2.
2018 Strathern, Andrew J. and Pamela J. Stewart. Tales of Tails: Non-Empirical Ideas or Semi-Propositional Representations? Comment on Gregory Forth's Elderly people growing tails: The constitution of a non-empirical idea. Current Anthropology Vol. 59, No. 4.
2018 Strathern, Andrew J. and Pamela J. Stewart. Action, Metaphor, and Extensions in Kinship, In, Focality and Extension in Kinship. Essays in Memory of Harold W. Scheffler, edited by Warren Shapiro. Canberra, pp. 119-132. Australia: Australian National University Press.
2018 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J.Stewart. Consuming Work, Absorbing Stress: Dialectics of Faith and Service. Medical Anthropology Series Editors’ Preface, pp. xvii-xix. In, Living in the Tension. Care, Selfhood, and Wellbeing among Faith-Based Youth Workers, Susan Wardell, Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
2018 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern). Knowledge, Experience, and Policy: Environmental Issues in the Pacific Islands. The Palgrave Studies in Disaster Anthropology Series Editors’ Preface. In, Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change: Pacific Island Countries Jenny Bryant-Tokalau. Palgrave Macmillan.
2018 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (Strathern ). Knowledge Encounters: Planning for Climate Change in Aotearoa / New Zealand . The Palgrave Studies in Disaster Anthropology Series Editors’ Preface. In, Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change: in Aotearoa / New Zealand, Lyn Carter. Palgrave Macmillan.
2018 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart. Anthropology and Consultancy, In, The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by Hilary Callan. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
2018 Strathern, Andrew J. and Pamela J. Stewart. Fields of Ritual Practice: Disturbances and Creations. Journal of Ritual Studies 33(2): 55-59.
2017 Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. Breaking the Frames: Anthropological Conundrums. Palgrave Macmillan.
2017 Strathern, Andrew J. and Pamela J. Stewart. Hagen Settlement Histories: Dispersals and Consolidations. In, “Ten Thousand Years of Cultivation at Kuk Swamp in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea”, edited by Jack Golson, Tim Denham, Phillip Hughes, Pamela Swadling and John Muke. Australian National University e-press, pp. 425-435.
2017 Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart. What is Sustainable?, for the Routledge Handbook of the History of Sustainability, edited by Jeremy Caradona. Routledge Publishing.
2017 Strathern, Andrew J. and Pamela J. Stewart. Body, Display, and the Cosmos in Highlands Papua New Guinea. In, New Guinea Highlands: Art from the Jolika Collection, edited by John Friede, Terence Hayes, and Christina Hellmich. Prestel Publishing.
2017 Strathern, Andrew, Pamela J. Stewart, Laurence M. Carucci, Lin Poyer, Richard Feinberg, and Cluny Macpherson. Second edition, Oceania: An Introduction to the Cultures and Identities of Pacific Islanders [Updated and Revised]. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
2015 Stewart, Pamela J and Andrew Strathern (Co-Editors). Research Companion to Anthropology. London: Ashgate Publishing.
2014 Stewart, Pamela J and Andrew Strathern Working in the Field: Anthropological Experiences across the World. Palgrave Macmillan.
2014 Ritual: Key Concepts in Religion. Case Studies. Stewart, Pamela J and Andrew Strathern, co-authors. London: Bloomsbury.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew J. Strathern (2013) Religion and Violence from an Anthropological Perspective. In, Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence, edited by Mark Juergensmeyer, Michael Jerryson, and Margo Kitts. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp 375-384.
Strathern, A. and Pamela J. Stewart (2011) Peace-making and the Imagination: Papua New Guinea Perspectives Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.
Stewart, Pamela J., Andrew Strathern, J. Trantow. (2011) Melpa - German - English Dictionary Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Library System - Available online.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2011) PERSONHOOD: Embodiment and Personhood. In A Companionto the Anthropology of the Body and Embodiment edited by F. E. Mascia-Lees. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, pp. 388-402.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern, eds. (2010) Landscape, Heritage, and Conservation: Farming Issues in the European Union. Carolina Academic Press.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2010) Placing and dis-placing the dead. In Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf edited by C. Cusack and C. Hartney, Brill Publishing, pp. 131-144.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern, eds. (2010) Ritual. Durham, NC: Ashgate Publishing.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2010) Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective, 2nd ed. (Updated and revised). Carolina Academic Press
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2010) Introduction: ritual, a perennial topic. In Ritual, edited by P. Stewart and A. Strathern, Ashgate Publishing, pp. xv-xxx.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2010) Shifting centres, tense peripheries: indigenous cosmopolitanism. In United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism and Globalization, edited by D. Theodossopoulos and E. Kirtsoglou, Berghahn Books, pp. 20-44.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2009) Medical Anthropology: Basics and Practices (Japanese version of Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective), translated by H. Narita with R. Tomia, Kokonshoin.
Stewart, Pamela J. and A. Strathern, eds. (2007) Asian Ritual Systems: Syncretisms and Ruptures. Carolina Academic Press.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern, eds. (2008) Exchange and Sacrifice. Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
Stewart, Pamela J. and A. Strathern (eds). (2008) Religious and Ritual Change: Cosmologies and Histories. Carolina Academic Press.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2005) Narratives of Violence and Perils of Peace-Making in North-South Cross-Border Contexts, Ireland. In, Terror and Violence: Imagination and the Unimaginable, A. Strathern, P.J. Stewart, and N. Whitehead (eds.), pp. 142-170, For, Anthropology, Culture, and Society Series, London and Ann Arbor: Pluto Press.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2005) Introduction: Terror, the Imagination, and Cosmology. In, Terror and Violence: Imagination and the Unimaginable, A. Strathern, P.J. Stewart, and N. Whitehead (eds.), pp. 1-39, For, Anthropology, Culture, and Society Series, London and Ann Arbor: Pluto Press.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2005) “The Ulster-Scots”: A Cross-Border and Trans-National Concept and its Ritual Performance. Journal of Ritual Studies 19.2: 1-16.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern, eds. (2005) Expressive Genres and Historical Change: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Taiwan. Ashgate Publishing.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2005) Cosmology, Resources, and Landscape: Agencies of the Dead and the Living in Duna, Papua New Guinea. Ethnology 44(1): 35-47.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2005) Ethnographic Studies in Medical Anthropology Series Editors' Preface, pp xi-xvi. In Social Discord and Bodily Disorders: Healing Among the Yupno of Papua New Guinea. Verena Keck. Durham N.C.: Carolina Academic Press.
Stewart, Pamela J. and A. Strathern (2002) Gender, Song, and Sensibility: Folktales and Folksongs in the Highlands of New Guinea. Greenwood Publishing.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2002) Remaking the World: Myth, Mining and Ritual Change among the Duna of Papua New Guinea. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Stewart, Pamela J. and A. Strathern (2002) Gender, Song, and Sensibility: Folktales and Folksongs in the Highlands of New Guinea. Greenwood Publishing.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2002) Violence: Theory and Ethnography. Continuum Publishing.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern. (2002) Remaking the World: Myth, Mining and Ritual Change among the Duna of Papua New Guinea. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Stewart, Pamela J. and Andrew Strathern (2002) Power and placement in blood practices. In Blood Mysteries: Beyond Menstruation as Pollution, Janet Hoskins (ed.). Ethnology 41(4): 349-363.
Stewart, Pamela J. and A. Strathern (2001) Humors and Substances: Ideas of the Body in New Guinea. Bergin and Garvey, Greenwood Publishing Group
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela J. Stewart (2001) Pulse, muscle, blood, breath, and colour. Metascience 10(3):333-336.
Strathern, Andrew and Pamela Stewart (1999) Curing and Healing: Medical Anthropology in Global Perspective. Carolina Academic Press.
Strathern, A. and Pamela J. Stewart (1998) It's in the blood: images of collectivity, renewal, and entropy in a narrative of transfusion. JCU, Centre for Pacific Studies Discussion Papers Series 3:1-15.