Bronze Age Settlement Patterns and the Developments of Complex Societies in the Southern Ural Steppes (3500-1400 BC)
September 29, 2017
Complex Societies, Leadership Strategies and Agricultural Intensification in the Llanos of Casanare, Colombia
September 29, 2017
The Bioarchaeology of Gendered Social Processes Among Pre- and Post-Contact Native Americans: An Analysis of Mortuary Patterns, Health, and Activity in the Ohio Valley
September 29, 2017
Prehispanic and Colonial Settlement Patterns of the Sogamoso Valley.
Prehispanic and Colonial Settlement Patterns of the Sogamoso Valley.
September 26, 2017
Hagen Settlement Histories: Dispersals and Consolidations
Australian National University e-press
April 4, 2017
Hunter-gatherer economies in the Old World and New World
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science: Agriculture and the Environment
March 29, 2017
Second edition, Oceania: An Introduction to the Cultures and Identities of Pacific Islanders
Carolina Academic Press
February 2, 2017
You Can’t Weed Out Corruption’: Railway Workers’ Assessments of the State in Post-Socialist Serbia
January 1, 2017
Language Policing’ and the Fight against Social Inequality in an Anti-Capitalist Organization
January 1, 2017
The Making Technique of the Tile-Ends in the Warring-States Period to the Early Han Dynasty and Relevant Issues
January 1, 2017