Engagements and Interruptions: Mapping Emotion at An Athenian NGO
Careful Encounters: Ethnographies of Support
January 31, 2013
Sri Yogendra: Magic, Modernity and the Burden of the Middle-Class Yogi
Gurus in Modern Yoga
January 9, 2013
Imagined Commonalities: The Invention of a Late Ottoman ‘Tradition’ of Coexistence
American Anthropologist
January 1, 2013
The Social Aesthetics of Eligibility: NGO Aid and Indeterminacy in the Greek Asylum Process
American Ethnologist
January 1, 2013
Do evolutionary life history tradeoffs influence prostate cancer risk? A review of population variation in testosterone levels and prostate cancer disparities
January 1, 2013
Religion and Violence in Pacific Island Societies
Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence
December 31, 2012
A Study of Japanese Expressions Describing Food in the Gastronomic Comic ‘Oishinbo.’
Journal of the Asian Regional Association for Home Economics
December 31, 2012
Intersecting Religioscapes: A Comparative Approach to Trajectories of Change, Scale, and Competitive Sharing of Religious Spaces.
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
December 31, 2012
When Frost Happens: A Case study of an Organization Committed to Care
Anthropology in Action
December 31, 2012
¿Camote ecuatoriano en Polinesia en tiempos prehispánicos? El Golfo de Guayaquil como posible punto de origen
December 31, 2012
Religion and Violence from an Anthropological Perspective
Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence
December 31, 2012