Luis Miguel Soto Rodriguez

  • PhD Student- Archaeology

Luis Miguel is interested in investigating the emergence of the chiefdom communities that inhabited the North Coast of the Colombian Caribbean, specifically those denominated as Tairona. Since 2017 he has been investigating the social and economic organization of the pre-Hispanic communities that inhabited the mountainous foothills of the western slope of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, such as the El Congo microbasin, through quantitative and qualitative analysis of databases in statistical programming language R and settlement patterns in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He has participated in archaeological research projects in the Bogotá Savannah, the Pacific Coast of Colombia, the Basin of Mexico and the Mixtec Region, Oaxaca. Since 2019 he has worked as a project professional in Cultural Resource Management in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense, the Caribbean and Pacific Coast of Colombia and also in the Orinoco lowlands.


Vargas, J. C., Londoño, W., & Soto, L. M. 2022. Arqueología de la Microcuenca de la Quebrada El Congo. Santa Marta: Universidad del Magdalena.

Degrees and Education

BA – Archaeology - Universidad Externado de Colombia (2020).

ICANH / ANH – Data collection and analysis with remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (2018).


2020 – Meritorious thesis entitled "Organización de la producción cerámica prehispánica en la microcuenca El Congo, municipio de Ciénaga, Santa Marta".

2022 – 2023 Graduate Fellowship in Latin American Archaeology.