The Year of the Humanities and The Pittsburgh Consortium for Adoption Studies present:
Dr. Linda Seligmann
Professor of Anthropology, George Mason University
'The circulation of children through transnational and transracial adoption: filters, fantasies, and fragments'
Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at 4:00pm in 4130 WWPH
Abstract: Linda Seligmann’s recent Broken Links, Enduring Ties: American Adoption Across Race, Class, and Nation compares the meanings that adoptive parents in the US attribute to race and nation and considers how children respond. Her research includes interviews with children as well as memoirs and films by adopted adults. She reveals the shifting cultural patterns and stubborn global forces that shape the quest to know who we are, where we belong, and with whom. For more information contact Marianne Novy, Professor Seligmann’s visit is linked to Eng Lit 617, Changing Families in Literature.
Sponsored by: the Global Studies Center, the Department of Anthropology, the Year of the Humanities, the Children's Literature Program, the Department of English, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, all at the University of Pittsburgh
Location and Address
4130 WWPH